Issue: Broadcast is sent to 0 people
If after sending a broadcast, you see that it is sent to 0 people, that indicates an issue with the template which is being sent.
To resolve this, follow these steps.
Check the status of the template you are trying to send
1. Go to Settings > WhatsApp > Channel Overview (for the number with which you were sending this broadcast from)
2. Scroll down and hit "Try refreshing permissions"
3. Wait for 5 minutes. The system is fetching the latest status of all of your templates.
4. Go to Marketing Tools > Message Templates and search for the template that you were trying to send.
Now proceed based on the status of the template that you see.
Possible recourses based on template status
a. Pending Status: The template must have been edited after it was approved. You can wait upto 24 hours for the template to be approved, or create a new template with the exact same content - the new template will most likely be approved before this current one. This is what we recommend.
After creating the new template, duplicate your original broadcast and replace the template in the duplicated broadcast. Make sure to test it before sending it.
b. Paused Status: Read more about it in this article:
c. Rejected Status: Modify the content of this template and submit it again until it is approved.
It is recommended to create a new template with the modified content for faster approval - rejected templates can take longer to get approved after editing.
After creating the new template, duplicate your original broadcast and replace the template in the duplicated broadcast. Make sure to test it before sending it.
Issue: Broadcast delivery rates were very low
Possible Reason 1: Issue with your Payment Method
Go to Shared Inbox and check the conversations of a few people who you might have sent this broadcast to.
If you see the following error (131042) below the message that was sent, it indicates an issue with your payment method for Meta payments.
Solution: Fix your Payment Issues
You should see a banner on the top of your screen prompting you to go check the Payment Method with a link to go to Meta's Payment Setup when this issue happens. Alternatively, you can navigate to Settings > WhatsApp > Channel Overview and scroll down to payment setup to find the link to go to Payment Settings.
Once you're there, you should see a banner telling you what the issue is and how to resolve it. In general, the issue is with either your tax info being absent, your payment method not being set as default, or payments failing due to your card declining them. You can read more about those in this article.
Possible Reason 2: DeliveryBoost was disabled
You can learn more about WhatsApp per-user marketing limits and DeliveryBoost here, but TL;DR - if DeliveryBoost is disabled, you'll see low delivery rates with marketing templates.
We recommend duplicating your broadcast and sending it to people who haven't received it with DeliveryBoost enabled.
Resuming Your Unfinished Broadcast
Regardless of the issue that you might have encountered, you can resume your broadcast for sending it out to people who might not have received it.
To do that, go to Marketing Tools > Message Broadcasts then click on the 3-dots next to the broadcast you want to resume. Then, click on Retry.