If you want to target people who did not receive your message from a previous WhatsApp broadcast -
Follow these steps:
Step 1: Go to Database > Segments
Navigate to the Database section and click on Segments.
Step 2: Create a New Segment
Click on Create Segment.
Select Start from Scratch.
Step 3: Duplicate the Segment for Undelivered Messages
In the segment creation screen, duplicate the segment shown in the screenshot below:
Replace "New Broadcast #14" with the name of the broadcast you want to target.
Step 4: Name and Save the Segment
After adjusting the segment filters, give your new segment a relevant name (e.g., "Undelivered Contacts – Broadcast #14") and click Save.
Step 5: Duplicate the Broadcast and Change the Segment
Go back to your original broadcast.
Duplicate the broadcast.
In the new broadcast setup, change the target segment to the one you just created (your segment for undelivered contacts).
By following these steps, you can ensure that only contacts who didn’t receive your original WhatsApp broadcast will be targeted with the new one. This helps in efficiently managing WhatsApp message delivery and engaging with missed contacts.