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How to Add Tags to Contacts in Spur
How to Add Tags to Contacts in Spur

Efficiently organize your contacts on Spur by adding tags. Follow our simple guide for easy tagging via CSV upload. 🏷️📊

Velma Dinkley avatar
Written by Velma Dinkley
Updated over a week ago


Managing and organizing contacts effectively is crucial for personalized and targeted communication in eCommerce. In Spur, adding tags to your contacts helps in segmenting and customizing your outreach strategies. This step-by-step guide will walk you through the process of tagging your contacts using a CSV upload, ensuring your database is both organized and efficient.


Tagging contacts in Spur is a straightforward process that involves downloading a sample CSV file, adding the necessary customer details and tags, and uploading it back to the system. This method is particularly useful for bulk updates and maintaining a well-organized contact database.

Step-by-Step Guide to Adding Tags to Contacts

Step 1: Log in to Your Spur Dashboard
Start by logging into your Spur account to access the dashboard.

Step 2: Access the Database
Navigate to the ‘Database’ section and click on ‘Contacts’.

Step 3: Initiate Import Process
In the Contacts section, find and click on the ‘Import’ option.

Step 4: Download the Sample CSV File
Download the sample CSV file provided by Spur to ensure correct formatting.

Step 5: Add Customer Details and Tags
Fill in the necessary customer details in the CSV file. In the ‘Tags’ column, add the relevant tags for each contact.

Step 6: Upload the Completed CSV File
Once you’ve filled the CSV file, upload it back to Spur through the Import option.

Step 7: Sync the Database
After uploading, refresh the page. The system will take a few minutes to sync the data in the database.

Relevant FAQs

Q1: Can I add multiple tags to a single contact?
A: Yes, you can add multiple tags to a contact. Separate each tag with a comma in the CSV file.

Q2: How long does it take for the tags to appear in the database?
A: It usually takes a few minutes for the system to sync and update the contacts with the new tags.

Q3: Is there a limit to the number of tags I can add?
A: There is no set limit to the number of tags you can add, but it's best to keep them organized and relevant to your needs.

Q4: What if I make a mistake in the CSV file?
A: If errors are made, you can re-upload a corrected CSV file. Ensure accuracy before uploading to avoid data inconsistencies.

Q5: Can I tag contacts directly in the database without using a CSV file?
A: Currently, bulk tagging is most efficiently done via CSV upload. For individual contacts, you may tag them directly in the database.

Q6: How can I search for tags in the database?
A: To search for tags:

  • Go to the ‘Segments’ section and click ‘Create New Segment’.

  • Select the category ‘Customer Info’.

  • Choose the filter ‘Spur Tags’ to search and segment contacts based on specific tags.


Tagging your contacts in Spur is an effective way to keep your customer database organized and to enhance the efficiency of your marketing efforts. By following these simple steps, you can ensure that your contact list is not only up-to-date but also segmented in a way that supports your business strategy. Should you encounter any issues or have further questions, our support team is always ready to assist you. Happy Tagging! 🏷️📈

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