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Setting up Abandoned Cart for WooCommerce Stores
Setting up Abandoned Cart for WooCommerce Stores

Abandoned Cart Recovery is the first then you should set up when you implement WhatsApp API in your WooCommerce store

Velma Dinkley avatar
Written by Velma Dinkley
Updated over a week ago

Below is a screenshot of how you can set up the workflow

Step-by-Step Explanation

  1. Starting Trigger: ORDER_CREATED

    • Description: The workflow begins when a new order is created in your WooCommerce store.

    • Function: This trigger ensures the workflow starts only when an order is initiated by a customer.

  2. Condition: Any Contact, that matches {{trigger.status}}

    • Description: This condition checks the status of the order.

    • Function: The condition ensures that only orders with specific statuses (pending, failed, or draft) proceed to the next step. If none of these conditions are met, the contact does not continue in the workflow.

  3. Delay 1: Wait for 10 minutes

    • Description: This step introduces a delay of 10 minutes.

    • Function: This delay allows a short period for the customer to complete their purchase without immediate intervention. It prevents sending a reminder too soon after the order is created.

  4. Delay 2: Wait for 23 hours

    • Description: This step adds an additional delay of 23 hours.

    • Function: This ensures that the first abandoned cart message is sent 24 hours (10 minutes + 23 hours) after the order creation if the cart is still abandoned.

  5. Abandoned Message #1

    • Description: The first WhatsApp message is sent to the customer after the 24-hour delay.

    • Content:

      • Greeting: "Hi {{1}},"

      • Notification: "We noticed you left some items in your cart: {{2}}."

      • Reminder: "Don't miss this opportunity to complete your purchase with {{3}}."

      • Action: "Click the button below to return to your cart and finish your order."

      • Button: "Complete Order"

    • Function: This message serves as the first reminder to the customer about their abandoned cart, encouraging them to complete their purchase.

  6. Abandoned Message #2

    • Description: The second WhatsApp message is sent as a follow-up to the first message.

    • Content:

      • Greeting: "Hey {{1}}, our customers love us!"

      • Social Proof: "Check out this amazing review from a satisfied customer: ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐."

      • Urgency: "Don't miss out on the items in your cart—they won't be held for long! You have {{3}} hours to complete your purchase before they're gone."

      • Support Offer: "Need help checking out? Just let us know!"

    • Function: This message adds urgency and social proof to motivate the customer to complete their purchase. It also offers support, showing the brand's commitment to customer satisfaction.

Workflow Summary

  • Starting Trigger: Initiates the workflow when an order is created.

  • Condition Check: Ensures only abandoned carts (pending, failed, or draft status) proceed.

  • Delays: Introduces timed delays before sending messages to avoid immediate follow-up and ensure optimal timing.

  • Messages: Sends two reminder messages with varying content to encourage the customer to complete their purchase. The first message is a simple reminder, while the second adds urgency and social proof.

This workflow helps recover abandoned carts by sending timely and engaging reminders via WhatsApp, leveraging the immediacy and personal touch of the platform.


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